Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome to Night Vale

My largest and most extravagant piece this semester, "Welcome to Night Vale" is a map of said town. Night Vale is a town in the podcast "Welcome to Night Vale," and because it's entirely an audio series, the listener is free to come up with their own interpretation of the locations in the town based on the vocal descriptions, which is what I did.

I won't lie; this thing took forever. It's pen on tagboard and is several feet tall. I designed the entire town and the border as well, which I made using a handmade stencil. 

Starting on the top we have the Night Vale Community Radio Station. On the left is the Glow Cloud, and on the right is a helicopter (what color? we will never know), a pyramid (probably the one that spouted off all that philosophical stuff), a "To Desert Bluffs" sign, and an old oak door to a desert otherworld :(  . Moving down the lefthand side, we have the post office, Tourniquet, the Whispering Forest, the dog park, Mission Grove Park, Carlos' lab, the Arby's (complete with lights, sign, parking lot, and an Erica), Telly's barber shop, the Public Library (outside which is Tamika Flynn and her army of teenage rebels) and the Museum of Forbidden Technology. Moving down from the right side is City Hall, Big Rico's (complete with Wheat & Wheat By-Products Speakeasy and hooded figure), the Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area, the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex, Radon Canyon (the view is literally breathtaking!), the Moonlite All Nite Diner, and Dark Owl Records.

Here's a zoomable version, also available here.

Here're some close-ups!



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