Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Doctor Who Big Finish Audios Infographic

So I'm working on listening to a bunch of Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories-- basically the original actors from the classic Doctor Who years recording audio books of new adventures. There's something called a "main range," which is the "original" and central series of audios, though they're not really consecutive. There's also a huge amount of spin-offs, some quite long (Bernice Summerfield) and others short (I, Davros). It took me quite a time reading the wikipedia page on the subject to figure out what was going on, so I decided to make a visual guide to the adventures. The information is off of wikipedia, but simplified and hopefully more understandable. Adventures are color-coded by Doctor. All the little graphics are mine, the main background image is not. If anyone finds any mistakes or errors in typing or labeling, please point them out in the comments so I can fix them. :-)

Right click and "open link in new tab" for larger image