Saturday, February 22, 2014

Talk | Doctor Who

So we've had some serious snowstorms lately, and found time to make another Doctor Who video! This is all of New Who, and features the song "Talk" by Coldplay.

Monday, February 17, 2014

One Hundred Percent Rebel Time Lord

Here's another digital piece, this time featuring Twelve and some Gallifreyan. The Gallifreyan says: "No frills, no scarf, no messing. Just 100%" and the bottom continues the quote with "Rebel Time Lord." Corel Photo-Paint X5. Took a little less than an hour.

Doctor Who | Dear Maria, Count Me In

Here's a Doctor Who-themed music video I made to the song "Dear Maria, Count Me In" by All Time Low. In the first half, the Doctor is Amy's Maria, and in the second half, Amy is Rory's. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Daft Old Man Who Stole A Box

There's a Doctor Who quote that goes "[I was] a daft old man who stole a box and ran away. Silly me." It's from the Chameleon Circuit song 'Silence and the End of All Things' but is also a very close quote with the Doctor Who episode 'The Big Bang.' Eleven says it, referring to the theft of his TARDIS and his flight from Gallifrey as the First Doctor. After 'The Day of the Doctor' aired I realized the quote applied to John Hurt's War Doctor as well, as he stole the Moment (in the guise of a box) and ran off to a distant planet to use it. So here's a bit of fan art I made:

Wizard's Tower

So my sister was home for about a week before interim and was working on a D&D campaign. The adventurers were going to come across a wizard's tower, which my sister was designing. I was bored, so I decided to draw the tower for her. It's digital, using Corel Photo Paint, and took about 2 1/2 hours. The tower's shape was inspired by 80s architecture, so there's some 80s design on it as well.