Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Doctor Who Playing Cards

**Currently for sale on etsy here**

You may remember that a while ago I posted this, a sneak preview of my Doctor Who playing cards, which I have now finished! The four suits are: the sonic screwdriver (10's), the Seal of Rassilon, a dalek, and a weeping angel. 4 colors: blue, green, red, and orange. Face cards have an extra gold stripe denoting them as such. The Jokers are the first and last faces of the Master (Roger Delgado and John Simm, respectively). The back of the cards sport the TARDIS, the Seal of Rassilon, and Gallifreyan text (using the method here). The Gallifreyan reads (in various places) "bad wolf" "bigger on the inside" "gallifrey" and "kasterborous".

As an update (2-15), I have now made a second set of cards. Both sets feature Doctors One through Eleven on cards Ace-Jack. The original set, however, features Idris as the Queen and the Brigadier as the King, and the new set has Twelve (Capaldi) on the Queen and the TARDIS on the King. Otherwise the sets are identical. The original set is now discontinued.

Set 1 (2013) (discontinued):

Set 2 (2014):

There have been inquiries as to whether I am selling decks of cards, and I am! A deck (Set 2, with the slight modification of Michelle Gomez on the second Joker instead of John Simm, as the newest Master/Missy) is $12 + shipping. The decks are professionally printed, and each comes shrink-wrapped and with Jokers and a matching box. I am currently selling them through etsy here, and thanks for the interest! :-)


  1. Have you made more than one deck? Is it possible to buy them??

  2. I would love to buy one too, if you have anymore. They look so great.
