Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gallifrey Painting

This is a painting I did just a few weeks ago. Done in oil, using a wet-on-wet method. This involves layering the entire canvas with liquid black before other colors can be added. However, once you have liquid black, getting just about any amount of brightness is exceedingly difficult. I got around this problem by taping off the planet with painter's tape layered over itself and then cut circularly with a compass/knife. Once I was done with the background, I peeled off the tape, applied liquid white, and then painted the planet. I painted this with Gallifrey (planet of the Time Lords, Doctor Who) in mind, and as you can see, I added the name alongside it. This is about the best I can paint right now, so comments are welcome!

Arthurian legend diagram

This I made as a visual aid for an Arthurian legend speech I did last year. It's a timeline of some of the major works that go into the legend (Geoffrey of Monmouth, Thomas Malory, etc.) and then a couple contemporaries. Organized by century with a break.


Last year we had to write poems for English class... as an overachiever, I made sure to illustrate them. :-)
I apologize if some of them suck, but certain stanzas of each are alright, I think.
It's Angel Hunter, Why Cannot the Dawn Stand Down?, Words of a Prophet, Concerning Books, and The Wonders of the Universe. Enjoy.

Something I made last December

A wizard-ish person, done with watercolor pencils.

Sherlock Sticky Note Fun

Fun with the desktop sticky notes, pertaining to BBC's Sherlock. 

London Skyline Montagues

Here are some smears/montages of the London skyline I made a while ago. From left to right is the Gherkin, the London Eye, Westminster, the Royal Albert Hall, and Big Ben. In honor of the upcoming Olympics.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sonic Screwdriver Apps

This I made a couple months ago.  "Closing Time" featured a scene where the Doctor tried to fix something with his sonic screwdriver, realized the setting was wrong, and said, "Don't worry- I have an app for that." Thus inspired, I found a list of sonic screwdriver uses and started making apps for them. It took many hours (doesn't look like much all nice and tidy in a square), and the program I was using kept crashing after every 5 minutes. I'll probably make some more once I get my computer all sorted out. :-)

I AM statements

I was bored, so I made these. They're picture-i-zations of the 7 "I am" statements of the Bible in one of the gospels. 

Doctor Who the Master pic

DW assorted pics

More really random pictures from My Computer I thought I'd repost.

yet more DW demotivationals

in response to the Doctor/Master slash fanfics...

DW Ten pictures

DW Demotivationals

Doctor Who Demotivationals